ASCH Executive Secretary
Nominations Due by February 10, 2025
The American Society of Church History seeks a new Executive Secretary. A brief position description and the outline of the selection process can be found in the society bylaws, https://churchhistory.org/about/constitution-and-bylaws/. The committee will review possible candidates until the position is filled.
To nominate yourself or another person, please send an email to President-Elect Elesha Coffman, elesha_coffman@baylor.edu. Include the nominee’s email address, current position(s), and years (approximate) of ASCH membership.
Executive Secretary Duties Include:
- Handle responsibilities for planning the annual meeting and, under the direction of the President, Council, and a special program committee, handle logistics for spring meetings
- Manage the nominating and election process
- Distribute Council and Committee communications
- Take minutes at all meetings of Council, whether at the annual meeting or at telephone conferences, and post minutes on the ASCH website within thirty days of any and all such meetings
- Maintain the website, maintain ASCH’s relationships with other learned societies, archive necessary material in the ASCH archive, and handle the Society’s correspondence (telephone, email, and post)