Current ASCH Working Groups
ASCH working groups connect scholars with a specific shared interest (e.g., geographic area, period, sub-field, etc.) in the research and teaching of the history of Christianity for regular online meetings throughout the year, and in-person at the annual meeting. To learn more, read our Working Groups FAQ.
To join one of these groups, please email the facilitator listed as the group contact below.
British Nonconformity in the Long 18th Century (1689–1834)
Facilitated by Baiyu Andrew Song and Daniel Johnson
Meets approx. every other month
Contact: Baiyu Andrew Song (
This group facilitates discussions on any aspect of English nonconformity during the long eighteenth century. This was a time when ecclesiastical boundaries became increasingly blurred, due to the rise in evangelicalism and heterodoxy. Nonconformists provided some of the most substantial contributions to eighteenth-century religious life, through the hymns of Isaac Watts and the writings of Philip Doddridge, but they also remained on the margins of religious and cultural life. This group will provide space to discuss all aspects of research that pertain to this period. Geographically, this group focuses on the British Isles, with particular focus on England, and stretches chronologically from the “glorious revolution” to the end of the Georgian era.
Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Histories
Facilitated by John Maiden, Caleb Maskell, Leah Payne, and Mark Hutchinson
Meets approx. every other month
Contact: John Maiden (
This group examines varieties of charismatic, pentecostal, and holiness Christianity in their transnational, translocal, and cross-cultural contexts. We are interested in connections, entanglements and exchange, both within and between the global North and South. These could involve, for example, people, ideas, authority, experiences, finances, practices, technologies, and media. We welcome a range of approaches including those concerning networks, ritual, performance, emotions, mediation, and imaginaries.
Premodern Christianity
Facilitated by Christine Caldwell Ames and Joe Creamer
Meets approx. once a semester.
Contact: Joe Creamer (
This group considers Christianity in the premodern context up to roughly 1500. Scholars interested in premodern Christianity typically have a broad understanding of the developments, movements, and institutions of Christian history. Many premodern Christianity scholars have a geographical and/or temporal expertise (e.g., Syriac, late antique, late medieval Europe, etc.), but will typically share a broad interest in the history of the Christian faith before the European Reformation.
World Christianity
Facilitated by Dyron Daughrity, Susangeline Patrick, and Candy Brown
Meets approx. every other month
Contact: Dyron Daughrity (
This group considers Christianity in a global context. Scholars interested in world Christianity typically have a broad understanding of the developments, movements, and institutions of Christian history. Many world Christianity scholars have a geographical expertise (e.g. West Africa, South India, Korea, etc.), but will typically share a broad interest in the Christian faith as a global movement.
Further questions? Contact Assistant Secretary for Membership Andrew Hansen ( for more information.