Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles and book reviews covering all areas of the history of Christianity and its cultural contexts in all places and times, including its non-Western expressions. Specialists and historians of Christianity in general find Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture an international publication regularly cited throughout the world and an invaluable resource.
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December 2021 Issue
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Learning from Muslims and Jews: In Search of the Identity of Christ from Eighth-century Baghdad to Seventeenth-century Hague
Paul C. H. Lim
The First Catholic Diocese in Asia and the Spread of Catholicism: Juan de Albuquerque, Bishop of Goa, 1538–1553
José Pedro Paiva
Sums Theological: Doing Theology with the London Bills of Mortality, 1603–1666
Spencer J. Weinreich
Auditing Revival: George Whitefield and Public Accounting in Colonial America
Kristen Beales
Evangelical “Others” in Ulster, 1859–1912: Social Profile, Unionist Politics, and “Fundamentalism”
Andrew R. Holmes and Stuart Mathieson