Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles and book reviews covering all areas of the history of Christianity and its cultural contexts in all places and times, including its non-Western expressions. Specialists and historians of Christianity in general find Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture an international publication regularly cited throughout the world and an invaluable resource.
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March 2021 Issue
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John Wyclif and the Eucharistic Words of Institution: Context and Aftermath
Ian Christopher Levy
Revising the Supernatural: Prospero Lambertini's Reconsideration of the Concept of Miracle
Alessandro Laverda
Benjamin Franklin and the Reasonableness of Christianity
Kevin Slack
The Church of England and the Coronation Rite, 1761–1838
Nicholas Dixon
Christ as Yogi: The Jesus of Vivekananda and Modern Hinduism
David J. Neumann
Book Forum
Forum on Jon Butler's God in Gotham: The Miracle of Religion in Modern Manhattan - Introductory Remarks
John McGreevy
Wonder of Wonders: Rethinking Religion in Manhattan
Deborah Dash Moore
“Religion's Engine”: Theorizing Religion and Modernity in Jon Butler's God in Gotham
Thomas A. Tweed
New York City and the Production of Sacred Space
Wallace Best
God in Gotham? Really?
Jon Butler