Call for Contributions – “Religions,” Special Issue on World Christianity
The journal, Religions, is seeking article submissions for a special issue on the topic of “World Christianity in History and in Culture.”
Submission Deadline: September 30, 2022
Woven together like finely crafted fabric, world Christianity, history, and culture are always tightly interlaced. Historians realize that all Christians exist in a dynamic web of cultural and historical factors. Anthropologists investigate how Christians in one locale live in strikingly different ways than those in another place. Sociologists comprehend how social context shapes Christians in profound ways, dependent upon shifting conditions. There is a constant and perpetual interplay between Christianity, history, and culture that illuminates everything else around.
This Special Issue will display the vast and colourful varieties of Christianity, from the apostolic era to today, with a preference for “lived religion.” The scope of this Special Issue is limited only to the lives of Christians, wherever they may exist, or wherever they may have existed. The focus will be more on actual Christians, rather than vague conceptions of “Christianity.” The purpose of this issue is twofold: illuminate the varieties of Christianity throughout history, and break new ground in how those forms of Christianity are investigated.
Rich, diverse viewpoints and new theses are desired. The special issue would like to see fresh perspectives, unique arguments, and creative analyses that look at Christianity, culture, and history in new ways. Cutting edge topics are welcomed, as are new methodologies and conclusions that challenge earlier scholarship.
Submission Info
Manuscripts should be submitted no later than September 30, 2022.
For more information and to submit a manuscript, see the Religions Call for Submissions page.