Event of Interest and CFP – International Conference on Baptist Studies (ICOBS)
International Conference on Baptist Studies X
Theme: Baptists and Education
Westminster College, Cambridge, United Kingdom
August 7 – 10, 2024
International Conferences on Baptist Studies have been held on a three-yearly basis since the first,
hosted by Regent’s Park College, Oxford, in 1997. They have taken place at institutions in Australia,
Canada, the Czech Republic, England and the United States. Although the ninth had to be cancelled
because of complications following Covid, papers that were due to be delivered then will be published
in 2023 by Mercer University Press. The tenth in the series is to be held in August 2024 at
Westminster College, Cambridge. All the conferences take the history of the Baptists from their
beginnings until the present day as their subject matter but are not restricted to Baptists as speakers
or attenders. The theme this time is ‘Baptists and Education’, which includes popular schooling,
private institutions, higher education, catechetical work, published literature and training for the
ministry. What has been the Baptist contribution to education in different lands at various times? The
theme will be considered by case studies, some of which will be very specific in time and place while
others will cover long periods and more than one country.
A number of main speakers will address many aspects of the subject, but offers of short
papers to last no more than 25 minutes in delivery are welcome. They should relate in some way to
‘Baptists and Education’. The proposed title should be submitted to Professor David Bebbington,
Emeritus Professor of History at the University of Stirling, by e-mail at d.w.bebbington@stir.ac.uk. We
are planning that, as in the past, a volume containing many of the conference papers will appear in
Westminster College is a theological college of the United Reformed Church. Full-board
accommodation will be provided in its attractive buildings near the centre of Cambridge for the three
days from after lunch on Wednesday 7 August to lunchtime on Saturday 10 August 2024. That will
include an ensuite room, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks each day as well as use of the college’s
facilities including a common room and the chapel. Arrangements can be made for an extra charge to
add lunch on Wednesday 7, arrival on Tuesday 6 and/or staying on until Sunday 11.
For more information and to register for the conference, see: https://www.baptiststudies.org/