Spring Workshop – Archives and Nobility: History and Arts in the Archives of the Great Noble Roman Families
Period: May 22 -26, 2023
Deadline for Application: March 31, 2023
The Sangalli Institute for the religious history and cultures of Florence is pleased to announce its first international workshop on the archives of the noble Roman families, which will be held in Rome from 22nd to 26th, May 2023.
This workshop is addressed to 10 young scholars in History and 10 young scholars in Art History and Architecture (students enrolled in graduate and Ph.D. programs), but also archivists, librarians and museum curators. The participants will be introduced, through a multi-disciplinary approach, to the study of some of the most important archives of the noble Roman families, to the sources for the history and the history of arts and architecture. Participants will also learn how to know and assess the different kinds of documents preserved therein.
The seminar will consist of morning lectures in history and history of arts and architecture held by renowned scholars. The participants will also present their current and future research in order to have useful feedbacks from archivists and professors involved in the seminar. The afternoon sessions will be devoted to visit a selected group of Roman noble palaces where are preserved the archives, and the art collections. The morning classes will be held at the Sala Achille Erba in the Barnabite complex of San Carlo ai Catinari, Piazza Benedetto Cairoli 117, in the very centre of Rome.
During the seminar the following archives will be visited:
1) Archives Caetani (Fondazione Camillo Caetani, Rome)
2) Archives Colonna (Biblioteca del Monastero di S. Scolastica, Subiaco)
3) Archives and Gallery Doria Pamphilj (Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Rome)
4) Archives Massimo (Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne, Rome)
5) Archives Orsini (Archivio Storico Capitolino, Rome)
During the morning classes, there will be one historical lecture and one lecture of art history and architecture, with reference to the sources preserved in the related familiar archives. A basic knowledge of Italian is recommended but the lectures and presentations will be in English. No previous archival and palaeographic experience is required. Students will be encouraged to develop and improve their current research by meeting with the archivists and the professors in order to plan future research-trips to Rome, and more broadly to Italy.
The lectures and the laboratories will be held, among the others, by Professors Nicoletta Bazzano (Università di Cagliari); Benedetta Borello (Università di Cassino); Giampiero Brunelli (Sapienza Università di Roma); Andrea G. De Marchi (già Direttore Galleria Doria Pamphilj); Tommaso di Carpegna Falconieri (Università di Urbino Carlo Bo); Natalia Gozzano (Sapienza università di Roma); Federico Lattanzio (Università di Roma Tor Vergata); Cecilia Mazzetti di Pietralata (Università di Cassino); Alessandra Mercantini (Archivio Doria Pamphilj); Fausto Nicolai (Università della Tuscia); Enrico Parlato (Università della Tuscia).
Perspective applicants should send to the following e-mail address: segreteria@istitutosangalli.it
1) a one-page CV
2) a brief statement letter (no more than one A4 page) in which they explain how this seminar will improve their research.
The above email address should also be used for any queries pertaining to administrative details, course tuition and general information. A limited number of places at a very reduced price will be available at a comfortable student residence.
Cost of the seminar (including the morning lectures and visit to the archives): 1.000,00 € (one thousand euros). Up to a maximum of 6 registrations amounting at € 600,00 (six hundred euros) each will be reserved to master students, not yet graduated nor enrolled in a Ph.D. program (3 in history and 3 in art history and architecture).
The selection will be made on the basis on their motivational letter for participating to the workshop and the relevance of their research. The registrations will be closed as soon as the number of 20 participants will be reached. We invite therefore, if interested, to send the applications as soon as possible, in order to book ahead flights and accommodations in Rome during that week.
Deadline for application: 31st March 2023
Scientific coordination: Matteo Binasco (University for foreigners of Siena), Massimo Carlo Giannini (Universidad Complutense of Madrid), Maurizio Sangalli (University for foreigners of Siena/Sangalli Institute), Patrizia Tosini (University of Roma Tre).