Links for the individual sessions are below. Please recall that there is no conference fee required to participate in the meeting–– your 2021 ASCH membership is your ticket! Click here for the complete program.

Thursday, February 4 (No password needed for Thursday sessions)

7:00pm EST Opening Session Presidential Greeting, 2020 Prize Awards, Business Meeting

8:00pm EST Plenary Panel History and Public Scholarship

Friday, February 5
 (Member password required)

9:30am -10:45am EST Panel 1 Face The Pacific: Empire and Religious Histories

11:00am -12:15pm EST Panel 2 Situating Religious Diversity in the US History Curriculum

12:30pm - 1:30pm EST Special Session In Remembrance – Edith Blumhofer 1950-2020

1:45pm - 3:00pm EST Panel 3 Nature: Key Terms Across Christianity (ASCH/ACHA Joint Session)

3:15pm - 4:30pm EST Panel 4 African American Missions History: Research and Teaching Methods

Please note: a password for accessing Friday's panels will be emailed to everyone with a current 2021 ASCH membership on Wednesday (Feb. 3). If you are not current in your membership, you can join or renew online. Please contact us ( if you have any questions, or if your membership is current but you still haven't received the password email by Thursday.