PhD Completion Fellowship – University of Oslo
Application Deadline: January 31, 2024
Two positions as Doctoral Research Fellows (SKO 1017) in area studies are available in the Department of Literature, Area studies and European languages, University of Oslo. The department has a special focus in American religious history. The fellowships come with strong benefits: healthcare, pension, maternity/paternity leave, paid vacation, etc. Annual salary: NOK 532,200-575,400 (approx. $48,700-$52,700).
They seek innovative, curiosity-driven and scientifically strong candidates who want to pursue a doctoral degree in one of our areas of research. The successful candidate should join one of our existing research groups.
The following research groups are relevant for this call:
- Area Studies
- Center for Slavic and Eastern European Studies
- Cultural Memory Studies
- Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Central Europe and the Balkans
The doctoral project designed by the applicant is expected to explore ideas or topics related to at least one of the groups. In addition to the project description, the applicant should in a separate document include a project abstract. This document should also indicate the relevant research group(s) for the project and how the project fits into the research group(s) profile. Finally, the document should make explicit how the applicant’s educational background and language qualifications are relevant for the application.
Expected start date: 1 September 2024
For more information and to apply, see: https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/253086/doctoral-research-fellowships-within-area-studies